Life Potential & Leadership Coach

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Creating changes you want…
navigating those you don’t.

Coaching is…

Transformative. Illuminating. Awareness inducing. When coached by a well-trained, experienced core energy coach, clients see through the murkiness that has kept them stuck. They experience clarity in understanding what makes them come alive and what shuts them down. Quality coaching allows clients to dream bigger than they thought possible, but most importantly, it allows for deeper understanding and sense of purpose that brings peace to the heart and mind. Sound a little too woo-woo? That’s exactly what I thought, too. Until I tried it. Coaching has transformed my life and now it’s allowing me to connect with and help others transform their lives, too. Still have questions? I’d be glad to answer them!

Zero judgement and a space that is completely confidential. That’s my pledge to you.
— Greg Curtis Wakefield

Energy is everything.

If you’ve ever felt ready to explode just sitting in traffic….if you’ve ever come away from a great conversation feeling seen and connected…if you’ve ever wrecked your abs laughing with a friend…if you’ve ever winced when you saw the name / number on an incoming phone call, or sat in your car trying to talk yourself into going into work, you’ve felt energy, too.  Some of it feels amazing, some…not so much.  Energy impacts everything we do, it creates our successes and also our failures. It brings people together, and drives them apart.  When we understand how energy works, we can create the life and successes we want.  AND…we can start as soon as you’re ready. 

Connect with and bring out the best parts of you.

The gaps between WHO we are and WHAT we do, are where our feelings of dissatisfaction and disappointment often originate. In an effort to provide for ourselves and our loved ones, we often hold back, not wanting to “rock the boat” or upset others unnecessarily. Some of us become very good at taking care of others’ needs while neglecting our own. Tapping into our core energies allows us to be our very best selves. When we can take off the “mask,” true growth and life satisfaction usually follows.

“Greg's patience, open-mindedness, and warmth allowed me to make massive leaps forward in every session.”

—Meagan B.

Try a session for free to see if it’s right for you.

No commitment, no pressure, no obligation. I’m here to support you.