Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of people problems can your coaching help me solve? Just about anything involving one or more persons qualifies. Communication gaps. Relationship differences. Dismissive managers, disrespectful co-workers, annoying in-laws, worries about raising children in a crazy world. If you, and/or people are involved, there’s a strategy for that. Let’s work together to solve it.

How often do you schedule sessions?
Most of my clients like meeting once a week (usually for about an hour), though, some people prefer to be coached every two weeks or even once a month. If you have a big project or deadline, we can increase or decrease sessions as needed around that, too. A schedule that makes the most sense for you and your goals is the one we’ll implement, and even that can be altered as necessary.

How do I know if Greg is the right coach for me?
A very important question. So much of our work together will depend on us feeling comfortable around one another. If coaching makes sense for you but we don’t seem to connect for whatever reason, no worries! I’ll be happy to refer you to another well-trained coach.

What if I don’t live in or near Tucson, Arizona?
You’re not alone! In addition to clients in Arizona, Greg has worked with people across the country and internationally. Technology has made coaching a more accessible and comfortable experience than ever before!

What if I decide I don’t want to continue with coaching?
Then we stop. This process only works for me if it’s working for you. It wouldn’t benefit either of us if I twisted your arm into completing some long term agreement that you didn’t value. And life can get crazy., so some clients merely take a break, then resume sessions when they’re ready.

If these FAQs don’t provide the answers you’re looking for, no problem! Call, text or email me anytime: 617-595-8036,