Answering the Call to Lead…

Heavy is the head that wears the crown.

The pressures on leaders of all kinds are substantial. If you’re in this role, you know the demands from above and the needs from below are ever-present, not to mention the standards you hold yourself to achieving and maintaining. Whether you lead an entire division or a small sub-committee, your work matters.

Many of us feel like we could never be leaders, but if you’re a parent…you’re leading, if you teach, or guide others through real estate transactions, run a small business, or sit on the neighborhood HOA, or school PTA, you’re already a leader, too.  Great athletes who inspire and motivate their teammates might not have the title of “manager,” or “coach” but they lead every time there’s a practice or game. Leaders are everywhere.

  • If you or someone you know has ever struggled with effective communication, talk to Greg.

  • If your work/life balance is out of balance, talk to Greg.

  • If it’s sometimes hard to offer constructive feedback to your team, talk to Greg.

  • If your group or team struggles to retain talent, talk to Greg.

  • If you spend more time worrying about work than enjoying it, talk to Greg.